Troy M. Dye, SE
For more than two decades Troy has engaged in structural consulting including design and analysis of new structures, structural investigations, and upgrade designs of existing structures. His knowledge, experience, and attention to detail provide value to the project to help make it successful.
Utah State University - B.S., Civil Engineering, 2000
Utah State University - M.S., Structural Engineering, 2002
Notable Projects
Twin Falls, Idaho // 2008
Ogden, Utah // 2006
Bainbridge Island, Washington // 2013
Cottonwood Heights, Utah // 2017
Ogden, Utah // 2006
Professional Organizations:
Adjunct Professor (2022 - Present) - Utah State University - College of Engineering
Organizing Committee (2010 to Present) - North American Structural Steel Conference (NASCC)
Member - American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Member - Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU)
President (2017-2018) - Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU)
Treasurer (2009 to 2010) - Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU)
Website (2010 to 2022) - Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU)
Member - Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
